Tank, 11 Years Young

Time ticks by and waits for no one, forcing us to appreciate and be thankful for the time we are given.

When I met Tank, an 11 year old German Shepherd, along the Muskegon State Park beach, I knew that the way I wanted to photograph him was going to change. It was no longer about finding the most complimentary location, the most flattering lighting, or creating the best portrait possible. It was about capturing all of the little moments and details that, together, made Tank the most special and beloved dog to his family.

The authority of his gait as he trots between his family members, keeping tabs on their whereabouts...
The way his disapproval of the gritty sand on his tongue scrunches up his face in laughable wrinkles and sour expressions…
The excitement that fills his soul when he finds a giant driftwood stick, proudly dragging it down the beach, to defiantly spit it out at your feet, hopping and bouncing on his toes, as he begs for it to be thrown…
The black hairs that have diluted to a soft gray, gathered on his face, from years and years of worn hugs, kisses from the kids in his family…
The easy of his tail as it sways back and forth in the rhythm of his fulfilled heart…
The bubbles as they pool around his toes in the receding remnants of the waves…
The flip-flop wiggle of his ears, spraying water in every direction off his coat, in a big shake after retrieving his stick from the water…
His dreamy gaze as he stills himself to watch the seagulls fly by overhead..
The footprints he leaves in the wet sand, as his perfectly casted shadow, ghostly harmonizes his every move…
How his seriousness wanes to a small dapper grin, eventually giving way to a grand and proud smile, as his cheeks relax and his eyes soften in blissfulness toward you...

But most importantly, how he was given the freedom to play and explore the world, but instead, continuously choose the company of his family, folding up his aging legs, and in a sigh, nestled into the soft sand beside them, only asking for a comforting pet and a loving smile in return.

It was an absolute pleasure to spend the evening becoming Tank’s friend, to lay in the dune grass, to splash in the water, and to be bonked by his stick as he cheerfully trotted by. He is the definition of a good dog, one I will fondly remember and can’t wait to photograph again!

What the client had to say…

“These are the best!! Tank is so special and you caught all of his loving personality. You are so talented and were so much fun to work with. Tank absolutely loved you and you were fantastic with him! My favorite was when you were loving on him and you gave him a kiss on his head. So sweet!”
— Megan

Do not wait to book your senior dog photoshoot!

Contact me today to reserve your date.