Black Thunder Friesians had two of their horses photographed during my last photography trip to Maine. There are many clients who shy away from having their black horses photographed against a black background, but I LOVE the final art work that comes from this style of photography. Your horse’s black coat reflects light, creating tones from jet black to soft white, and resulting in a stunning piece of fine art. These are my favorite images , several of which were produced into large Fine Art Print Products that grace the home of the Black Thunder Friesians.
During Equine Portraiture sessions, we work together to create a masterpiece that highlights your horse’s best features in multiple poses from portraits to full body photographs. These images are done in the comfort of your own barn, using a doorway to the barn or arena, and a bit of magic in post production. Here are a couple of behind the scenes photos. Big thanks to my good friend, Stephanie, for handling the horses!
Details on Equine Portraiture Sessions. Book your session HERE.