The Roots of My Passion

© Giana Terranova Photography //

© Giana Terranova Photography //

My photography passion has always been rooted to my first pony Lady Jade. A 13.2 hand, bay, welsh cob cross mare. I learned to ride on her, and when my dressage instructor retired, Jade retired from being a schooling pony to living the rest of her golden years with me. I was 15 when she passed away, just shy of her 40th birthday. I was devastated. My gut was in a permanent knot when I realized I barely had 50 photos of Jade from the 8 years she had been my entire world. 

My parents rarely took photos, and back then, digital cameras were still inferior to film, and film wasn’t something my parents wanted to spend money on. It was a wake up call, and a fire was set inside of me, fueling my drive to learn how to use a camera and capture everything important in my life through photographs. 
Over the past few months, I’ve analyzed the roots of my photography passion further. The answers have not surprised me, only making me appreciate my passion and mission to specialize in photographing horses and dogs that much more…

© Giana Terranova Photography //

© Giana Terranova Photography //

I grew up in a family that lived in a strict black and white world, despite my mother being an artist herself. From a young age, I knew I wanted a world full of beautiful color, and unfortunately that wasn’t accepted, or appreciated, by my family. I struggled with depression, anxiety, and being suicidal, constantly trying to adjust who I was to please, be accepted, and to love by my family. I lost myself in the useless attempts and without my pony or dog - who I knew no one could care for or love as much as I did - I would have let go of life several different times.

That little pony and a black labrador retriever loved me through the masks I wore and the dull and broken pieces of my heart I toted around for well over a decade. They were the only ray of sunshine and hope I had, and when I was with them, I was able to find a breath of peace and warmth from their comforting reassurances. I only hung on only for them.

They passed away in my arms, and the last promise I made to them, was that I would find happiness and learn to see the beauty in myself and the world around me.

I left the wilderness of Maine, the toxicity of my family and abusive relationships, and restarted a new life along the sandy shores of Lake Michigan. I still carry broken pieces of my heart, pieces that will never heal or have a place in my life now, but through new growth, self love, and daily efforts to be a better person, I have found peace.
It wasn’t until I picked up the camera again several years ago that I was able to find happiness through the realization that I could successfully build and live the life I dreamed, full of brilliant and beautiful colors.

The unconditional love that little pony, Lady Jade, and the black lab, Pie, gave me still feeds my heart with hope, comfort, and a steady reminder that I am enough. Their friendships saved me, and my appreciation for them goes far beyond the memories I cherish or the apple blossom tattoo I carry for them on my arm.

© Giana Terranova Photography //

© Giana Terranova Photography //

I know how important the bonds between animals and people can be.
I understand the depths of those friendships, and how the memories together weave throughout your heart, bringing you a love and happiness no other being could offer.
I know how those bonds can mend a bruised or broken heart, and the power they yield to turn a tear of sadness, into a tear of joy and laughter, that brightens your whole world.
I understand the sacrifices we willing make to forge those relationships, and the satisfaction, brimming pride, and overwhelming love you feel when together, through that bond, you can achieve the unimaginable.

These animals are more then just a horse or a dog. They are a part of us, our hearts beat as one, and with them by our sides, we find a piece of ourselves and a part of utopia that we no longer can live without.

This is where my passion for photographing horses and dogs is rooted. It is why I have chosen to specialize my skills and focus my business on purely their beauty and the extraordinary bonds you have with them. I strive to capture the memories and moments for you that I felt (and feel) with my beloved horses and dogs.

And in doing so…

I have found happiness within the life I have built for myself,
The greatest way to honor the memories of both Jade and Pie,
And the importance of capturing my current memories with my treasured corgi Winston.

© Giana Terranova Photography //

© Giana Terranova Photography //