Can cows become artwork?

Can cows photography become art work? Absolutely!

Even I was a bit skeptical about this when my horse client asked if I could come photograph their cows. I’m not a cow person, nor do I have any knowledge about these tasty creatures. But I never shy away from a challenge! I assured my client that I would do my best, and pleasantly surprised both my client and myself (as well as my followers on social media!) with the resulting images that begged to become fine art for their home and business.

The client’s goal was to have each cow photographed from the side, showing conformation, for publication and advertising needs of their business. However, these cows are not halter broken or friendly for petting, meaning the set up I usually work in for black or white background Equine Portraits, was not an option. All I could rely on was my knowledge of body language and animal behavior.

We released the cows individually into an empty pasture that had a cement pad near the gate. My hopes were that the cows would naturally want to be close to their friends, which was out the gate and across the property. Between the client and my assistant, who both also had knowledge of dog herding behavior, they helped worked the cows using spacial pressure, into poses from 15-20 feet away. From there, it was creating a noise or movement in the direction I wanted the cow’s attention, or simply fooling the cows by all becoming quiet and frozen, creating a natural curiosity in the sudden behavior change from us. Then, I just needed to be ready for the shot in the split second the cows fell naturally into the desired pose.

After a few minutes photographing each cow, they headed back out to the pastures, and I headed back to my office to begin the editing process, turning the photographs into show stopping fine art!

Here are a few images straight from my camera…

And the final results!

For those questioning the possibility to create fine art from their animals - I can assure you that it is! Especially after creating these images, and creating the same stunning artwork from stubborn and opinionated donkeys and mules (Click HERE to see those images)! Don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule your session - for equines OR cows!